Title: Lloyds Bank Old Broad Street
Sector: Commercial
Date of completion: February 2020
Location: Central London
Project timeline (weeks): 5 weeks
Value: £180,000.00
Description of project:
The project objective was to replace the existing 1 MW boiler in the basement of a 14 story office block in central London. Detailed planning was required for this project for smooth operation as access was not easy in this location.
The end result was installing a cascade of wall mounted boilers amounting to 900 kw , and plate heat exchanger, associated pumps and control equipment. The existing flue travelled the height of the 14 story building in a concealed riser which travelled through occupied office areas. Rather than removing the existing flue, a new furanflex resin riser was dropped inside the existing flue from roof level to basement plantroom, which achieved project completion with no disruption.
- Multiple boiler plant replacement
- Mechanical Design
- Plate heat exchanger
- Natural gas Booster
- BMS Controls