Title: University Hospitals Bristol – Heygrove Supply Fans 1,2 4 and Recovery Upgrade

Sector: Healthcare
Location: Heygrove Suite BRI
Project timeline (weeks): 8 weeks
Value: £35,000.00

Description of project:

This project was undertaken due to the end of life cycle of the existing shaft type supply fans. The 4no supply fans were replaced with EC plug fans sized to be a run and standby arrangement ensuring that additional capacity was provided on new fans.

Due to the nature of these air handlers feeding theatres, all works had to be carried out over weekends with units having to be back up and running by Monday morning; timing and program were critical. Works were carried out hand in hand with the estates department as well as the in-house electrical contractor and incumbent BMS contractor. These works were delivered on time with an additional 40% of capacity available.

Work completed:

  • Design and Supply of High Capacity EC Fans
  • Decommission of Existing Fans
  • Manufacture of Fan Support System
  • Commissioning Air Flow Rates

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